Auto Reply Text While Driving

Setting up an Auto Reply Text While Driving is an elegant solution for one of the most hazardous forms of distracted driving – texting while driving

texts reader

Though mobile phones have made our lives easier to a great extent, the popularity of these devices also has some undesirable and even dangerous consequences. .

The numbers demonstrating the implications of cell phone usage while driving are astonishing. In fact, about 660,000 drivers in a day attempt to use the phones while driving. An average text sending or reading inside a car can take the driver’s eyes off the road for five seconds.

This clearly indicates the risks of accidents and death associated with texting while driving. So, it is a good idea to have some measure in place to keep these distractions away and ensure a safe driving experience for you, without missing important messages.

Let’s check how you can use auto reply text while driving and avoid these dangerous consequences.

Drive Safe & Be Safe – Auto Reply Text While Driving


The thought of a car accident is really frightening. Anybody would want to stay safe and ensure the safety of their family when traveling. The truth is that most car accidents can be avoided. A recent data depicts that six out of ten crashes are somehow related to a distracted driver. While there are several ways a driver can be distracted while driving, using the cell phone is one of the most common ones these days.

While the easiest solution to avoid this distraction is to turn off the phone while driving, it may not always be possible practically. Some people may need to be available all the time to respond to phone calls and text messages. For these drivers, there are several options available to choose from. Both iPhone and Android users can look for apps that promote safe driving by either blocking texts or by Auto Reply Text While Driving.

Modern smartphones offer you the Do Not Disturb feature that allows silencing incoming texts and calls at a button press when you are driving.

distracted driving
Much better, when you have a way to send an automatic text message to the other person and let them know when you will be available again.

Though iOS phones have the ‘Do Not Disturb While Driving’ feature that lets you send one text message when the phone detects you are driving, Android has no such auto-respond function to help you drive safely.

Android may not offer you many auto-reply features and does not have a built-in facility to send messages automatically.

Calls/SMS Auto Reply app offer a way to work around for you. This Android app sends at automating text messages to incoming texts, calls when you are driving to make sure you can drive safe and be safe, staying away from distractions while behind the wheels.

Why Distraction-Free Driving Is Important?

text to speech reader

Technological advancements have made it easier to stay connected with others at all times. However, like every other invention, smartphones come with their own risks and limitations.


Rates of cell phone distractions are going high every day. According to a survey,

  • about 50 percent of drivers admit answering their phones while driving
  • about 24 percent reported their willingness to make a call while driving
  • 14 percent said they read mails and messages
  • about 94 percent of teens acknowledge the dangers of texting while driving but 35 percent admit doing it anyway

The National Safety Council reports that 1 out of every 4 car accidents in the United States happens because of texting while driving.

In 2018, more than 400,000 PEOPLE SUFFERED FROM INJURIES IN ROAD ACCIDENTS CAUSED BY DISTRACTED DRIVING. Texting is the most dangerous activity related to cell phone distractions. It is much more likely to cause an accident as compared to driving when drunk.

Apart from the risks of accidents, injuries and death associated with distractions on the road, there are several other reasons you should ensure distraction-free driving. Most states enforce laws related to texting and driving and you can get a ticket and a fine for using your phone when behind the wheel. Another implication is the effect on your insurance when you get a ticket for distracted driving. If you encounter an accident from distracted driving and don’t hurt yourself or passengers, there are chances you damage your vehicle which could cost you a lot on repair.


How to Turn On Auto Reply Text While Driving?


Android users who understand the implications associated with distracted driving would look for a simple way to avoid distractions while driving. You can use Android Auto and a digital receiver in the car to minimize the use of your phone during your travel. However, it is better to get more flexibility and power with an app designed specifically for safe driving = Auto Reply Text While Driving.

Call/SMS Auto Reply app is a powerful app for Android designed from scratch to help users, auto-reply with text messages when they want not to be disturbed.

distracted driving

An app works perfectly to facilitate distraction-free driving so that you can drive safe and minimize risks for yourself and your family. It allows setting automatic responses on the cell phone and gives you plenty of options to customize the way you want to respond to people trying to reach you when you are driving.

Turning On Auto Reply on Android While Driving


Turning on auto reply on Android while driving is so simple with our app.

See Quick Setup of Auto Reply

You can either send a short answer like ‘text me later’ or pick from several elaborated text messages for a better, detailed response.

Apart from pre-defined messages, the app lets you reply with private, customized automatic text messages and even edit the existing ones to suit your needs.

You can either set the time to turn auto reply on automatically or choose to do it manually.

The simplest way to turn on Auto Reply while driving is to select the right auto-reply from the list on the app and turn it on using the button provided next to it.

Another way to do this is to choose the auto-reply from the list and run it by time when you need it once in a day. You can even run the function by time and weekdays when you want it to respond automatically at a specific time every day or certain days.

To turn on Auto Reply manually, go to the Auto-Reply setting screen and tap on the default profile. You are presented with a list of auto-replies available to choose from. The app lets you add custom messages or edit any from the existing list to suit your response to those who try to reach you when you are driving. From this list, you can pick the one you like using the radio button next to it. Turn the response on from this screen according to your needs.

Just a few useful features

✔ Setup multiple text auto replies for incoming SMS – Auto Reply text while driving, response for sleeping, Auto Reply for class etc.
✔ Auto Reply text while driving text while driving to WhatsApp messages
✔ Auto Reply text while driving to WhatsApp Business messages
✔ Auto Reply text while driving to Facebook messages
✔ Auto Reply text while driving for Telegram messages
✔ Auto Reply text while driving for Instagram messages
✔ Auto Reply text while driving for LinkedIn messages
✔ Auto Reply text while driving for Viber messages
✔ Auto Reply text while driving for Skype messages
✔ Customize auto reply messages

How to Turn Off Auto-Reply While Driving?


Using Auto Reply Text While Driving app for Android is quite simple. You need to install it on your device and start sending automatic responses to your contacts while driving. The app provides a lot of flexibility when using it to send auto-replies as text messages for incoming calls and messages. You can either set a time for the auto-reply to work or choose to turn it on manually.

If you set the time for an auto-reply to run, it turns off automatically after the specified time period. When you turn a specific reply on from the Auto Replies screen on the app, you can use the radio button next to it to turn it off after you no longer need it. During this time, the app sends automatic text messages to calls and messages made to your device depending on the text and contact preferences you select.

Google Text to Speech Reader

drive safe

Text to Speech Reader is one of the most effective ways to minimize phone-based distractions while driving. The service from Google lets drivers access their incoming text messages and other notifications without taking their eyes off the road, thereby ensuring a distraction-free, safe driving experience. Text message reader is particularly beneficial to those who require staying connected with people throughout the day.

If your job or business demands urgent calls and messages, you can use the texts reader service to avoid getting distracted while driving. The Call/SMS Auto Reply app also includes the text to speech converter to read out your incoming text messages aloud for you when you are busy driving.

You can either choose to reply to texts after listening to them or just listen to text messages without responding automatically. The text-to-speech service gives you instant access to your important messages, keeping you updated about your tasks without risking your safety when driving.

The text-to-speech feature of the app works just like Google Text to Speech Reader service and helps you keep your hands free while driving a vehicle. It keeps you from missing out on any important or urgent update that needs immediate attention.

Once you install the app on your Android phone, it automatically reads out your messages and also gives you the option to respond to them with appropriate replies. You can keep your focus on the road and avoid any distractions that could lead to accidents, break laws or attract any negative consequences.

distracted driving