Be Driving Law-Compliant

Avoid Getting  “a Texting While Driving Tickets”
Please note that some states may have Additional Penalties:

  • Points added to your driving record,
  • License suspension,
  • Mandatory driving courses.

* Check with your appropriate authorities
** USA sample

State First Offense Second Offense
Alabama $25 $50
Alaska Up to $500
Arizona $75–$149 $150–$250
Arkansas Up to $250 Up to $500
California $20 $50
Colorado $300
Connecticut $200 $375
Delaware $100 $200–$300
Florida $30 $60
Georgia Up to $150
Hawaii $250
Idaho $75 $150
Illinois $75 $100
Indiana Up to $500
Iowa $45
Kansas $60
Kentucky $25 $50
Louisiana $175 $500
Maine $250 License suspension
Maryland Up to $83 Up to $140
Massachusetts $100 $250
Michigan $100 $200
Minnesota $120 $300
Mississippi $100
Missouri $85
Montana No state law
Nebraska $200 $300
Nevada $50 $100
New Hampshire $100 $250
New Jersey $200–$400 $400–$600
New Mexico $25 $50
New York Up to $200 Up to $250
North Carolina $100
North Dakota $100
Ohio $150
Oklahoma $100
Oregon Up to $1,000 Up to $2,000
Pennsylvania $50
Rhode Island $100 $150
South Carolina $25
South Dakota $100
Tennessee Up to $50
Texas $25–$99 $100–$200
Utah Up to $750
Vermont $100–$200 $250–$500
Virginia $125 $250
Washington $136 $234
West Virginia $100 $200
Wisconsin $20–$40 $50–$100
Wyoming $75

Texting while Driving Laws

Texting & driving laws specifically prohibit the act of sending, reading, or writing text messages.

Distracted Driving Laws

Distracted driving laws are broader and cover any activities that divert attention from safe driving.

Hands-Free Laws

These laws allow drivers to use their phones but only through hands-free technology.